Monday, 3 February 2014

One Point in Favour of a Baby

Last night I dreamed that I heard a baby crying downstairs.  I went to check it out and found a library in our basement.  It was dark and I searched up and down all the aisles.  At the very last one I looked up and saw a baby on top of the shelf.  I reached up and brought him down.  He was younger than Lachlan - maybe 3 or 4 months.

Bernie was upstairs getting the kids ready for bed.  I brought the baby up to a bedroom that happened to have a crib.  I fed him, chose a stuffed animal for him, and was trying to sneak him to bed without Bernie noticing.  I knew he'd think I was crazy, but I was sure that we were meant to have this baby.

Can't imagine what that could mean, eh?

Sigh, the ongoing question festers...

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