It's been interesting (maybe just to me) the things we don't use, the further along we get in our family.
1.) change table --> We went with a diaper-change-height regular dresser and changed on there for the very beginning and now we just do it on the floor.
2.) high chair --> I like the strap-on booster seat better. It can be taken to a friend's house when necessary and takes up much less space than the high chair
3.) crib --> We opted for a mattress on the floor this time around. It makes it so much easier to go in and lay down with Lachlan when he's up at night and then sneak away to my own bed.
4.) bumbo seat --> Overpriced and not worth it. If we hadn't gotten one as a gift I sure wouldn't buy one. And for all our kids, it made them spit up because it scrunched them so much.
5.) mittens --> Any baby mitten we've tried doesn't stay on. Socks, on the other hand, go up to their elbows under the jacket and work great!
6.) baby bath tub --> We just showered with our babies. They liked it way better, probably because it's much warmer with the steam.
7.) nursing cover --> Too warm for me and just another thing to fiddle with when breastfeeding. A little practice and I've become quite comfortable nursing uncovered any old place.
Also, these two are very useful, but for a relatively short period of time. They are great to borrow, if possible.
8.) play mat --> We used it from 3 months to 6 months. Once they were sitting, they weren't really interested in lying down and would knock it over if seated.
9.) exersaucer --> We used it from 4 months to 9 months. Once they were crawling they wanted out. Plus it's big and hides out in the basement.
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