Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Making Me Me

Thank you God for how you have made me.  There have been plenty of times in my life that I have despised a part of me.  I have hated my body, my thoughts, my words, my actions, my personality at different times for different reasons.  I have struggled to come to terms with parts of me that aren't perfect by my culture's standards.  Some of those are human sinful self-destructive struggles that I know I will fall into again.  Some of them have been God-given burdens to rid myself of certain sins and flaws and to grow in the fruits of the Spirit.  But I just feel thankful right now, thankful for the traits You have given me.  Sometimes it takes seeing someone who does not have those traits, to make me appreciate how I was created.

So thank you God that I have a great deal of confidence.  Thank you that I can confidently make the decisions I need to make for myself, my marriage, and my family without being emotionally affected by what someone else thinks.

Thank you God that you have blessed me with the ability to be rational.  I am able to objectively look at a situation and form an impression, opinion, or decision based on facts I know to be true.  Rarely do the emotions of desire, anger, or fear cloud my ability to think clearly.

Lately, I have been struggling with the part of me that reacts quickly.  Sometimes my words are not as calculated as I would like them to be.  Sometimes they are not as gentle.  Most people in my life can handle this, but for the one who cannot, this part of who I am puts me forever on edge.  As I navigate these difficult waters, remind me not to get bogged down only in the parts of me that I struggle with.  Remind me, Lord, of how you have made me and that I can celebrate the work you are doing in me.

For you gave me a heart and you gave me a smile
You gave me Jesus and you made me your child
And I just thank you Father for making me me.

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