Tuesday, 4 March 2014

A Hurdle

We have an appointment with the doctor for Niko this week, to see if we can get a referral for speech therapy.  After two years of assuming that his sounds would improve and his words would sort themselves out, it doesn't look like it's happening on its own.  And I'm nervous to tell him why we're going to the doctor.  I don't want him to think he's behind other kids.  I don't want him to think he's doing anything wrong.  On the contrary actually, he tries so hard to form the sounds we show him, but it just doesn't come out right.  It's not a problem at home.  The odd time I don't understand a word, he is very good at describing what he means with other words.  But the more I see him talk to other kids and other adults, the more I see blank looks and the more I end up interpreting.  He's so shy already, I don't want these language difficulties to stand in the way of speaking.  But he's such a perfectionist that I don't want the reality of being imperfect to stop him from trying.  I hope he's ready to deal with this emotionally.  Maybe it'll roll right off and won't even phase him.  I hope so.  I'm totally okay with it all, so hopefully that sense of calm will be enough that he knows this is really not a big deal.  It's just a bit sad to have to watch my baby boy come up against a hurdle that he can't just make it over on his own, or even with my help.

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