Niko's anxieties are a big deal for him. When he is worried about something, it really eats at him. This doctor's appointment about his speech issues today, while I did my best to make it seem like no big deal because it is no big deal, has been driving Niko crazy.
Interestingly, as much as he stresses about things that make him nervous, Niko knows how he needs to deal with it. And even if it starts to make me feel a bit insane, we talk through it and through it and through it. He needs to hear what is coming, how things will happen, what the expectations will be, who will be there, and that he is brave and can do it. Over and over and over again.
Especially that he is brave and can do it. Remember that time you were nervous about going to preschool and you went and you got used to it and it got easier and now you love it? So something you were nervous about turned out to be awesome. And remember that time you were nervous about playing mini-soccer and you went and you got used to it and it got easier and then you loved it? So something you were nervous about turned out to be awesome.
And you're so brave that you could ride a two-wheeler when you were only three. And you can toboggan down big hills. And jump off the bunk bed. And go down waterslides. And jump into the pool.
You're the bravest ever.
To which he earnestly agrees. For 5 minutes.
And then he asks to talk about going to the doctor again.
The loop-de-loop of anxiety.
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