Friday, 5 September 2014

Learning Beauty

Rhythmic falling of runners on pavement
rain falling stunningly fragrant
Despite the desired perfection of the connection
between my reflection and my soul direction
lies call out, unrelenting in their misrepresenting

Go for a run, they holler smugly
or you'll gain a tonne, Big and Ugly.
The standard's way above you;
reach it now or he won't love you.
It's a pity you're not itty-bitty
or you'd have a chance at being pretty
My hunch is your lack of crunches will only add uns to your uns.
Unlovable in my head
Untouchable in my bed
Unenduring in youth
Unalluring in truth
You need to earn beauty, say the mean voices
But I know there must be umpteen choices

It starts out gentle, this mental battle
cloaked in truths, it is still a judgmental sentiment
and detrimental to my fundamental elements

By now my ritual is habitual
and my rebuttal anything but subtle.
He says I am altogether perfect in form
I know He speaks truth and that you're misinformed
He says I am beautiful and He made me so
I try to be dutiful and let these words grow
Day in and day out I choose them to be true
since I'm only me and You, well, You're You

You need to earn beauty, say the loud voices
turns out you need to learn beauty
and my soul rejoices

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