Thursday, 23 January 2014

Calling Someone Out

That was a difficult email to write and a bit of a scary email to send.  I feel that it was necessary, because Randy deserves better from his small group.  But it's hard to tell people I love and care about that they are not acting the way they should be.  Usually I avoid such conversations quite well.  This time, for the sake of Randy, and maybe because I feel some of them could use a bit of a healthy bout of self-examination, I'm going for it.

I'm not sure what I expect to happen next.  I don't know how I would respond.  I hope they sense that I wrote cautiously and with love.  I hope they can avoid getting defensive.  I hope they see the truth in it.  I hope they feel convicted to set up to the challenge.

But none of that is up to me.

God, be present in the hearts, minds, emotions, and inboxes of Erin, Timo, and Angie.  And, should the conversation continue, remind me of how crummy it is to be called out when you do something wrong and you know it.
Greater grace
Greater grace
Greater grace

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