You are always telling me that someone is funny.
Moni plays peek-a-boo with you over the bookshelf and you come running back to me to report that "she is funny." A lady on the bus asks you were you are going and you smile goofily, declaring that "she is funny." Mr. Alan asks to ride on your tricycle and you giggle out the words "Mommy, he is funny."
Don't you see, Kai-Bear. It's you. Everyone you meet seems funny to you, because you are extraordinarily hilarious. It's infectious and reflective. Your natural tendencies toward funniness bring out the sillies in everyone else. It's my favourite thing about you. It doesn't matter where or when or with who or what else is going on. You have the divine gift to pull goofy out of your pocket and toss it in the air like confetti.
We all know it. Niko often mentions that you are the funniest. (As a sidenote, he labels himself the strongest/fastest and Lachlan the cutest.)
Funny is not only what you do best, but it's the lens through which you see everybody you meet. It's your default setting.
It makes me wonder what my default is, because it may also reflect what is most prominent about my own personality. If the vast majority of people I meet are pessimistic, maybe negativity is the lens I'm looking through. If they exude apathy, maybe disinterest is my default setting. If they complain, perhaps I have my dial set to grumble.
Let the little children come to me...because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these.
Matthew 19:14
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