Friday 10 October 2014


Even though I spend so much of my day modelling, guiding, and teaching my kids about respectful behaviour and relationships, when I catch them embodying those principles to each other, I marvel.  It's not that I didn't think it could or would ever happen.  If I thought that I wouldn't be trying so hard to impart my wisdom.  But I am still a teeny bit surprised that it is happening right here in front of me, that it looks so natural, and that these things are becoming a part of them.  I marvel at how far they have come.

I feel like I know my kids well.  Nobody else has spent more time with them than I have.  Nobody has witnessed as many firsts or coached as many accomplishments.  Nobody has wiped as many tears or sneaked as many hugs.  I know a lot about their gifts, passions, interests, abilities, and characters.  Yet they amaze me over and over.  They do something that will fill me with pride as I delight in them.  And while I am proud of the thing they have done, I simultaneously marvel at what it says about who they are.  I see their accomplishment, but even better, I see the beating heart behind that accomplishment and marvel at who they are at their very core.

Jesus has been teaching me for years and years.  When He sees me living those teachings, embodying His will, keeping in step with His spirit in me...well, I suspect that He marvels.  He might marvel at how far I have come.  How I am growing.  How He is growing me.  Perhaps His heart even swells with pride when I have a particularly big breakthrough.

Jesus knows my gifts, passions, interests, abilities, and character.  He put them there, after all.  But in the moments when I have given Him plenty of space and freedom to move in me and through my hands and words, in those moments he must marvel like a giddy parent.  He must marvel at how the things I do or say reflect His love in my life.  He must marvel at how those great moments point to a living, breathing, beautiful soul that He crafted that with the capacity and drive to do His will.

Lord, today I marvel at You because You first marvelled at me - even as I marvel at how much vertical and horizontal square footage 5 cups of flour can cover.

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