Monday 5 January 2015

Behold (Psalm 113:6)

My God is the mother who stops doing dishes and gets down on the floor to see exactly what is so cool about my latest Lego creation.
My God is the aunt who comes to my concert even though she hates that kind of music.
My God is the friend who misses her massage to actively listen to all of my drama.
My God is the brother who sees my hurt and puts my needs ahead of his own agenda.
My God is the father who turns off the screens and gives his full attention to my rambling and fairly irrelevant story.
My God is the husband who holds my hand the entire way through a movie musical - in the theatre.

My God is not aloof, distant, or avoidant.  He didn't set the universe in motion and retreat to His easy chair.  Every day and every hour that I invite Him, He humbles Himself and beholds me.  Never from a safe distance, rather He gets down on His knees with me and lovingly, interestedly, attentively gazes upon me.  Because He delights in me.  Because He cares for me.  Because He invites me in to deeper conversation with Him.

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