Wednesday, 28 May 2014

My Friend Timo

Timothy John Woelk
August 29, 1975 - May 24, 2014

I met Timo when I came back from Germany in 2002.  It was my first plunge into the college group at my church and I hated it.  Firstly, I was coming off of the high of Bible school, so wherever I landed I was bound to struggle with everything being less awesome.  Secondly, I was starting over as my group of high school friends had disbanded and I had to build brand new friendships.  Thirdly, this college group riddled with "misfits" was weird and quirky and there were too many "old" people who I thought should have moved on by now.  Fourthly, I was getting hit on uncomfortably often.

So there we were.  I was nervous and unsure and lonely.  He was odd and random.

Sometimes it's obvious when a friendship begins, but that's not how it was with Timo and I.  It was more like friendship snuck up on us, because at some point the quirky became endearing.

Timo was generally on the periphery.  Always around, supportive, interested, but never the leader.  He was perfectly happy to not be the centre and never imposed his ideas or plans on anyone.  If the conversation was sports, he certainly had an opinion.  He'd pull out his iPhone and have the stats in seconds.  Also, speaking of iPhones, Timo would regularly find funny anecdotes or videos to share with us at Bible study - sometimes relevant, sometimes not at all.  At our last get-together he shared some of the unbelievably weird Kijiji adds for roommates he had com across in his search for a new place to live.

A few months ago I got a window in Timo's softer side when he shared some of his life story and testimony at our small group.  It was great to have a window into his childhood, youth and young adult life and hear about the effect his dad's death had on him.  I was most impacted by the way he teared up when he talked about his best friend Benno's marriage and move to Australia.  I never would have guessed how much that had affected him.

In the last month of his life, Timo had gotten notice that he had to be out of his apartment.  As his small group we prayed with him and for him that he would find a place to live in time.  The last time we were together there was only a week left and he still had no solid leads.  It was remarkable to all of us that he was so calm about it.  He mentioned it as something to pray for, always ending with "but God's given me peace about this."  The rest of us were more worried and nervous for his sake then he ever was himself.

In hindsight, God knew.  God knew that Timo wouldn't need to worry about moving to a new apartment; that his next move was in a different direction.  I love that God knew and gave Timo the peace that surpassed our understanding.  What a powerful thing for us, who are left behind.  I love that Timo got to pack up his own things into boxes, leaving his family to come collect his already organized belongings.  And I love that Timo got to enjoy his last day in the woods and the sunshine with friends.

I will miss him.

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