Friday, 23 May 2014

Leviticus 19 inspired

At the crossroads of "do not bear a grudge" and "rebuke your neighbour frankly" and "do not hate" and "love your neighbour" there must be room for lovingly confronting someone who has wronged me in hopes of reconciliation and a better relationship moving forward.  

Take 1
Dear _____,
Damn it!!  Why don't you ever answer me?  Why don't you even try?  Do I have to do everything?  This sucks as bad as it did when you did it to me the first time.

Take 2
Dear _____,
Why don't you ever make any effort ?  I'm bending over backwards here to make sure you are not offended or upset or hurt or belittled.  Plus I'm proactively reaching out in multiple ways.  I want this relationship to work.  I'm initiating by phone, by invites, by offers, by cards, by gifts, by emails - anything so we have something to talk about.  But you never reciprocate.  And I don't even know you anymore, because you never try.  Do you even see what I'm doing?  Do you care?  It feels pretty shitty to be trying and be shut down.  Now I remember why I pulled away in the first place.  It hurts, this thing you're doing.  Or not doing.  It hurts and I'm angry that I let you keep doing it to me.

Take 3
Dear _____,
As I pray for you and work on my attitude, tone, and words when we are together, I am noticing that I am repeatedly coming up against a hurdle.  I know you mentioned in an email that you have assumed that I did not like you.  While that has not been the case, I realize that I began pulling back from you years ago and as I now work towards repairing our relationship, I am experiencing the same hurts that caused me to distance myself in the first place.  In order for us to move forward, I feel I would need to talk to you about this.  If that is something you are willing to do, maybe we could go for a walk one evening once the kids are in bed.  

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