Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Bible Reading: Where it's at right now

After seeing Beth Moore trailers in church for a few years and actively avoiding her studies, I found myself at a Mom's program sign-in table faced with the reality that I had planned to register for a 10 week session, sent my husband to work on the bus so I could have the car, fed and dressed 3 kids, and made it there for 9:15am only to discover that the plan was to do a Beth Moore Bible study.  Doh.

Since I was there anyway and I love the women in the group I took the plunge.  I signed up to come for all the sessions and do even do the homework.  Wow, did that ever turn out to be rewarding.  God opened up the scriptures to me through Beth's talks and daily readings.  And He have me a hunger for His word that I have missed in the sometimes overwhelming chaos of stay-at-home parenting.  It feels so so good to want to read and want to hear. I'm so thankful to have that desire awakened in me again.  And how amusing that it came from a source I was so skeptical about.

Since the study ended, I haven't been doing as intensive reading.  But I knew that I wouldn't.  My life right now just isn't conducive to that level of Bible reading on an ongoing basis.  But I find that memorizing scripture is great for where I'm at right now.  It's quick and repetitive - sometimes a little mindless even.  It can be done anywhere in the house and while I'm doing any kind of task.  So I started with three verses that had caught my attention during the Beth Moore study.  And now I am working on the Luke account of the Christmas story.

I really don't know what possessed me to write today.  I imagine no one will ever read this blog, nor do I know when/whether I will be in the mood to write again.   We shall see what happens.  Or, I suppose it would be more accurate to say that I shall see what happens.

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