Thursday 13 November 2014

Rev 2:17 A Name Only the Two of Us Undertand

As I have had more and more people share their journeys and struggles with me, I have come to think of myself in a new light.  I have recognized my genuine attentiveness and have marvelled at this aspect of myself that I had never noticed or labelled before.  I have added Listener to my names for me.

When I became a parent, elements of patience and humility came out previously untapped places in my heart.  As the challenges have grown, so I have grown in response to them.  I was made to do this and without the blessing of children, God would never have been able to reveal this part of me to me.  I have added Humble to my names for me.

Living in community during my two trips overseas exposed a part of me that yearns for deep and lasting connection.  The friendships I built during those times had so much more depth and meaning than any I had previously experienced.  Having to leave them, brought such pain and the insight that I needed one or two relationships of that level at home on a permanent basis.  I have added Made for Relationship to my names for me.

The years of work I did with people who have special needs opened my eyes in many ways - not the least of which was to a passionate part of myself.  Through those experiences, God showed me what I had suspected about my heart for the overlooked and that my gift to see and feel compassion for those needs was not universal.  I have added Compassion to my names for me.

The challenges of school and friendship and hormones that accompany teenagehood, made my cling to my faith, my foundation, my family, and my Father.  While I recall many questions and doubts and temptations, I also recall holding on to Truth through it all.  My faith became stronger as I chose to make it mine, independent from the faith of all those around me.  I added Deliberate to my names for me.

Every time I find myself taking on a new role, facing a new challenge, or entering a  new stage I get excited to see what new aspects this will reveal about God and what new characteristics this will reveal about who He created me to be.  So the concept of getting a name from Him that only I will understand gives me goosebumps.  What does He see in me that I have yet to notice?  What secret gifts and passions and truths has He placed in there for us to discover together?

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