Thursday 20 November 2014

Full of Grace

Colossians 4:6
Let your conversation be always full of grace

Why is this so much easier with anyone outside of my household than with those inside?

Listening with grace comes easily, when I am with the friend who is struggling with her demons, wondering if God has given up on her and if she should give up on God.  Extending grace is second nature when it comes to a family member, whose particular pains and struggles I know about.  Offering grace to a neighbour is natural, when I know that I am one of few examples of Christ he has in his life.

But with my children?
But with my husband?
Those are the conversations I wish were full of grace.  Brimming with grace and empty of frustration, exhaustion, insensitivity, anger, mocking and eye-rolling, passive aggressive comments, and selfishness.

'Lord, let my conversations be always full of grace' is almost too big a prayer to pray.
But let grace fill every crevice of my sad and weary heart.  So that it would overflow into thoughts and into words and into conversations.  For today I pray, 'Lord let there be a portion of grace amidst my conversations and grow me to a place where I might step be drowning in the very fullness of grace.'

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