Tuesday, 10 June 2014

A Little Older

We're a little older now.  Perhaps a little wiser.

Getting-people-to-like-us, hiding-our-irregularities, and trying-to-fit-in are, while not entirely things of the past, lower on the priority list than they have been in the past.  My zit or my belly or my snort-laugh or my judgmental tendencies... well, they aren't my pride and joy or anything.  But I'm not so embarrassed if you know about them as I would have been 15 years ago.  Or even 5 years ago.

Not all of us are reaching this point at the same rate.  Some are still self-conscious about it all, are insecure, and are seeking validation left and right.

But some of us are okay with ourselves.  Or we're getting there.  We've seen the photos celebrating mom-bodies and have internalized some of that truth.  We've watched new ad campaigns and initiatives telling us that we are all beautiful, each and every one.  Some of it is sinking in.  We've seen our flaws and learned that they are kinda here to stay, so we give them a name, try to keep them in check, and address their roots instead of denying their existence.

When I meet another one of us, I smile and relax a little more.  It's refreshing isn't it?  You are you and you are okay with that.  I am me and I am okay with that.  And the conversation can breathe easy.  The air between us is light and refreshing.  Things are face value and we can truly appreciate each other.  Friendships are low maintenance, rifts easily mended.

Being real is so comfortable when you are comfortable with the real you.

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