Tuesday 15 December 2015

Mother (Luke 1:43)

I find it fairly easy to imagine how she held You to her skin, just moments after You were born.  I can picture her swaddling You, cuddling You, nursing You.  I can feel the joy she treasured up in her heart.

But at the end of my day I wonder, did she tell You 'no' or haul You off the table for the umpteenth time?  Did she grab Your hand when You tried to run across the street or holler for You when You dawdled far behind?  Did she shoo You out of the kitchen before dinner or require that You help with the dishes?  Did she ask You four times to wash Your face or send You to play outside?  Did she insist that You eat Your vegetables or refuse to listen to Your sixth bedtime excuse?

Did she sigh about Your mischief and miss seeing Your strengths for what they were?

Did she tell You she loved You as many times as she told You 'just a minute'?

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