Wednesday 18 March 2015

Wonders (Psalm 77:14)

You are the God who does wonders.  Psalm 77:14

Resisting the urge to tack anything on to this truth is harder than I thought.  You are the God who does wonders, now could you please do a wonder in him, the one who plagues quietly and interrupts loudly.  Or in her, the one who opens for a moment only to shut down and shut up and shut out.  Or in us, the ones wondering and waiting without the weight of wonder.  Or in them, who love to be difficult and are difficult to love.

Lord, I want to practice adoring You for the truth of who You are.  You are the God who does wonders.  One day my heart will be able to sing the words to You in praise that is about You and not me.  I want to tune my eyes and ears and heart and thanks to see the wonders You are doing, instead of pleading that You do the ones I think I want.  Lord, may I become less so that You may become greater.

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